Finally a discreet Safe Deposit Box in Durban that's available 24/7 and is safer

Protect your valuables in a Vault that's graded to the same level as the banks. Choose from 4 sizes to suit your needs.


Capital Vaults The Safer Safe Deposit Box
What is a Safe Deposit Box
What's a Safe Deposit Box?

A safe deposit box is also known as a safety deposit box or a storage locker and is a storage container that holds valuables and is usually stored inside a highly secure vault.
People often call these vaults as well.

Want to know more about what a safety deposit box is? Click here to find out

What is Stored Inside a Safe Deposit Box?

Individuals and companies store a variety of items inside their safety deposit box. These include gold, jewellery, money, important documents, hard drives, important keys and recently even crypto wallets. Basically anything that is small and valuable should be stored inside a safe deposit box.

Find out what famous people store in their safe deposit boxes?

What Do You Store Inside a Safe Deposit Box
Why Can't I Just Use A Home Safe
Why do I need a Safety Deposit Box?

Some people still use a "safe" at home or at their office, to keep their valuables "secure". Unfortunately this places you and your family or employees at huge risk and is ultimately not secure at all. Criminals are more likely to target people who have safes. And most off-the-shelf "safes" are easily broken into. This is why you should de-risk your home or office by moving these valuables to an off-site Safe Deposit Box facility.

Click here for more tips on how to de-risk your home.

How do I Choose the Right Safe Deposit Box?


Not all safety deposit boxes are good. When choosing a safe deposit box facility to store your valuables, the main factors to consider are Security, Accessibility and Pricing.

A good safe deposit box service will ensure that your valuables are guarded and protected at a high level. As a minimum the facility should use an Internationally Graded Vault (of a high level and from a reputable supplier), employ CCTV Cameras which are Monitored, have Patrolling Guards, use Biometrics and Chip and Pin Authentication.

The safety box service should also be securely, discreetly and conveniently located to allow you to enter and exit without being noticed. Since people are susceptible to greed, you should not be exposed to anyone when accessing your box. Every human being that you are exposed to, undermines your security and safety.
A quick web search will confirm that most safe deposit vault thefts occur because of vault employees.

A good safe deposit box facility should be accessible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This way you can access your valuables when it is convenient for you without compromising security.

Finally, a safe deposit box facility has to offer value for money. If you choose an offering that is too cheap, the chances are high that you are compromising either security or accessibility.
If you choose a facility that is too expensive, then storing your valuables offsite won't be worthwhile.

Why is Capital Vaults the best Safe Deposit Box?


Exceptional Security

Your valuables are stored in a Level 7 vault - supplied and installed by Gunnebo, the leading vault manufacturer in the world. The vault is located where there is onsite security, patrolling guards, actively monitored CCTV cameras, single entry and exit point, priority police response and numerous other layers of security to make theft highly unlikely.


The Most Advanced Safe Deposit Box

The latest vault technology is used to offer you the safest safe deposit box experience ever. Advanced robotics ensure that you and your box are never watched. Robots are always accurate and they never steal. ZERO HUMAN INTERACTION means that your valuables are far more secure than they would be at a facility managed by people. No People Equals No Theft.

The Safer Safe Deposit Box


Advanced Security

We use the latest technology with the highest graded vaults (Level 7) from Gunnebo. Since they are the world leaders in Vaults (all South African Banks use them) you can rest assured that your valuables are safe.


Biometrics and Chip and Pin

Your access is authenticated by stringent biometrics and Chip and Pin protocols that cannot be overridden. This means that once you box is allocated to you - we no longer have access to it. No one but you will have control of your safe deposit box.


24/7/365 Access

You can access your safety deposit box 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. And we have no limitations to the number of times your can transact. Transacting is based on your availability.


Secure, Discreet and Convenient Location

Our facilities are in highly secure, discreet and convenient locations. They also offer camouflage so that no one knows that you've come to your vault.


No Human Interaction

Although we have staff to assist, should you require it, you never have to interact with a human being in order to access your secure locker. No humans equals No Theft.


6 Eye Protocol

Our robots are the only ones allowed inside our vaults with your valuables. Even if we wanted to get into the vaults, we would need a total of 3 independent persons to do so. These controls have been hard built into the vaults to give you complete peace of mind. Because No Humans Equals No Theft.

Capital Vaults Terminal

How does it work?

After authenticating your credentials, you instruct the terminal to call up your box (like an ATM).

The Terminal instructs the Robotics to call up your box from inside the secure vault.

Your box is brought to the terminal through the vault and secure shafts.

You transact and deposit your box back the way it came once you're done.

Enter and Transact
Enter and Transact

To access your valuables, you simply enter one of our Privacy Suites at any time of the day.
Use your allocated chip card, enter your chosen pin number and scan your registered fingerprint.
The terminal will then call up your safe deposit box from the vault and you can transact with peace of mind.

Our Privacy Suites look like luxurious lounges because we want you to feel comfortable and at peace while accessing your valuables. Each Suite has a money counting machine, a counterfeit note detection light and a scale - just to make your visit more convenient.

Deposit and Exit

When you're done, simply press deposit at the terminal, and your safety deposit box will be returned to the vault securely. You can now exit. Simple as that.

Our Privacy Suites not only look great, but they are very safe. There is a phone linked directly to 24 hour security and a CCTV monitor with cameras covering the OUTSIDE of the Suite. That way you can gauge if there are any threats (as unlikely as it may be), before leaving the Privacy Suite.

Deposit and Exit

Customer Testimonials

How Big are the Boxes and How much do they Cost?

We have four different sizes of boxes and the cost depends on the term you reserve your safety box for.

Select the term (monthly, 1 Year, 2 Years or 3 Years) to see the different sizes and costs. You can even add the box you like to a cart to checkout where you can either pay online or choose to come through and pay onsite once you see the site as well.


Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about Capital Vaults

How Long Will My Application Take?

We review and approve your application within minutes. This means you can access your Safer Safe Deposit Box immediately.

How Often Can I Access My Safer Safe Deposit Box?

You can access your safer safe deposit box as many times as you would like – 24/7/365.

What documents do I need to sign up?

We don’t need any documents from you in order to allocate a box to you. We just need your email address and your contact number so that we always have a verified channel to contact you on.

What Can I Store in My Safer Safe Deposit Box?

People choose to keep many different things in their safer safe deposit box, but most tend to store possessions that are difficult to replace or hold sentimental value.

A few examples of this would include include:

Wills, Jewellery, Birth Certificates, Passports, Krugerrands, House deeds, Hard drives, Crypto Wallets, Cash, Keys, Gold Antiques, Family Heirlooms.

How Much of Privacy Will I Have When I Access My Safety Deposit Box?

Safe Deposit boxes are delivered securely and robotically to our Privacy Suites where you will have complete privacy.

What Happens to My Box and Contents if I Pay My Rental Fee Late?

If your safe deposit box rental fee is paid late, your contents will still be stored securely in our vault for a minimum period of 180 days. You will however not have access to your box during this period until your account is brought back to order.

If Your System is Automated, Does That Mean That My Box Can be Hacked?

Our vaults are completely isolated from the Internet and because of this, they CANNOT be accessed or hacked.

They were also built to the highest standards by, Gunnebo, one of the leading manufacturers of safes and vaults worldwide.

What Happens to My Box and Contents if I Pay My Rental Fee Late?

If your safe deposit box rental fee is paid late, your contents will still be stored securely in our vault for a minimum period of 180 days. You will however not have access to your box during this period until your account is brought back to order.